Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting least on your own time

This post is an update to my adventures with Yahoo Contributor Network. I'm finally published! But it's not without its moments.

I submitted my first article on Friday of last week, and it drove me absolutely crazy waiting to hear back on it. The first 3 articles you submit are carefully reviewed for content, writing style, grammar, and more. While anyone can write for YCN, they want to make sure they have contributors putting up quality articles as well. I knew that little if anything getss accepted over the weekend, but it was a very long weekend, let me tell you.

Then came Monday. I waited all morning when finally at 1:20 PM, there in my inbox, was their response! I was so excited I could hardly stand it so I hurried to open it and read.......rejected.

I was surprised and crestfallen for about 5 seconds before I gave myself a mental reminder of my last post. "This stuff happens," I told myself. "Stop feeling bad and read their feedback so you'll know how to do better next time."

It turns out they loved the content, hated the title. That was all. And they were giving me a chance to resubmit since that was their only issue with it. I went and wasted 5 seconds of self-loathing for absolutely nothing. =)

You see, I'm learning that there are different types of titles. This is something I should have already known, probably did already know, but somehow just now came to the conclusion. I am so focused on creative writing and thus creative titles, that I didn't think for a minute about online content and keywords and search engine optimization. Didn't even cross my mind. No wonder they read it and thought, "There's no way someone will find this article if we leave it like this."

So note to self, just in case you didn't already know:
Creative Writing = Spiffy titles. Just about anything you want even remotely related to what you're writing about as long as you think it will get readers' attention.
Online Writing = Just get to the point and make sure it's something people will actually Google. Don't be fancy. Save that for the article.

Anyway, I resubmitted it Monday night and by Wednesday morning I had my acceptance.

I won't bombard this blog with every trivial article I post, but anything that relates back to writing I'll defiintely link here since you'll be much more interested in that sort of stuff. (You're here already, right?)

This week's article is in honor of National Poetry Month and it's about America's first poet. Silly me took this assignment and starting writing it with Anne Bradstreet in mind, not even realizing she was the FIRST of our country to be known as a poet! She's super interesting and my article is just a shortened version of her life and one of her poems, but I highly encourage you that after reading the article, check out more information on her. She's a fascinating woman.

National Poetry Month: Anne Bradstreet

I have two more articles I am currently working on about writing, and will post those links when they are published. Happy Writing!! I've got a new post in store for you soon!

Yours Truly,
Mrs. C


  1. Woot! Good job girl! I'm so proud of you! ^.^

  2. I am SOOO HAPPY for you! This is such exciting news! I am glad to hear your writing is being noticed and that the publishers are hearing you out, that is a great accomplishment. You strive to do what you love and it is obviously working out in your favor! :)

  3. Congrats! I'm so glad you persisted and succeeded, which they say is the secret - 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration! I hope this is the beginning of great things for you Mer_Melody.

  4. Thank you so much everyone. Your comments mean more than you know!

    I hope my future posts keep you interested and help you along your goals too!


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