Sunday, April 24, 2011

A First

So for all my talking of writing, I have yet to actually post anything of my own work on this blog. I suppose I've always been a bit wary of publishing anything of mine on public domain such as blogs or social networking, but there's a first time for everything.

So in celebration of the several new followers I've received, here is a copy of "Exploitation of a Chair", the poem I wrote about two posts ago when mentioning the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition. This was the 98th place rhyming poem in 2010!

Yours Truly,
Mrs. C

P.S. I love feedback, so send me your comments!

"Exploitation of a Chair"

You do not love me.
You love the slobbering mass wreaking delicious chaos upon my
Lysoled plastic cage, stuck with french fries and cherry pie.

You do not love me.
You love the peace you enjoy when your cooing child slips
Into Sandman's slumber as I rock like sailing treasure ships.

You do not love me.
You love the discipline enforced when your feisty four-year-old
Learns not to throw toys, but instead do as he is told.

You do not love me.
You love the chef's hard work and your senses' delight,
Scraping me across harsh tile before relishing in the first bite.

You do not love me.
You love my streamered convenience in a celebratory crowd;
You even make games where only so many of me are allowed.

You do not love me.
You love the boost I give to your step.
When nature made you too short for the job, I will always abet.

You do not love me.
You even shroud and embellish my pathetic metal frame;
Just for bride's delight, I have been defamed.

You do not love me.
You adore your novels, philosophies, and arts,
Not my broken leather that warms all of your parts.

You do not love me;
You love only my purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I really like it. It is well crafted, with a skillful, prose-like style about it. And besides that, it's a fun poem.


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