Thursday, March 24, 2011


As you guys have noticed by the new layout, I'm in the process of updating this site. I threw it together in a very basic format when I first started, but now it's time to clean it up and make it look much better. Things may look funny at times during the process because to be honest....I have no idea what I'm doing. lol If you notice a link not working or something looking odd, please let me know. For now at least I am currently aware of the gaping black box to your right....hopefully I can figure out how to fill that soon. =)

Also, I'm still looking for suggestions:
1) I need suggestions on how you'd like the site to look, especially if you are a blogger yourself. I need help! I've updated the layout, though it needs tweaks. I've been told to set up a profile and bubble too. (Bubble in this context is a new word to me, but I'm learning.) Any other ideas, let me know! I want to try to get this blog out there more.

2) I still would be interested in receiving more suggestions on what YOU as the readers want to read. So far I have one suggestion: talk about the process of writing more, both what works for me and doesn't, what goes well and what falls short. That's a subject I can easily delve into. haha
Any other subjects you want to read??

As always, thank you for all of your help. Hopefully I can get this looking better in the next week or two and find out more about what you want, then get back to posting about writing! =)

Yours Truly,
Mrs. C


  1. I too would love to read about the process of writing! Everything listed above and stuff like what keeps you motivated during writing. What keeps you going!

  2. oooh, love the new theme, Q! It's very purty! Yes, the process of writing is a good place to start . . . and you could post short stories, if you ever write any ;), or just anything that gets your creative juices flowing! - Bekah


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