Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 2-9



I HIT 50,000 WORDS TONIGHT (50,016 to be exact.)

I came home, ready to power through it, and power through it I did. I can barely begin to explain the excitement coursing through my veins right now. I did what I didn't think I could. I wrote 50,000 words in 29 days. I got back into the habit of writing, so much so that it feels completely natural to me now. I even left off at a wicked awesome cliffhanger. And I can't wait to finish the story that I've only barely begun to tell.

At last, it has begun.

Words Today: 3912
Total Words: 50016

Yours Truly,
Mrs. C

P.S. Since I am far from being done and this blog is after all not just about NaNoWriMo, but my quest to be published as well, I will continue updating. Not necessarily daily or even every other day. Look for closer to weekly updates, but I promise faithful readers, I won't leave you hanging!!


    You should be so proud of yourself!
    And I know exactly how you feel, I reach 50k too :D
    hooray for us!
    We now have bragging rights :D

  2. If this is just about word counts, I've got you beat (roughly 200,000), but though that's a great milestone, it still means you've got to get it published, and I'm in the throes of that right now (arghhhh). The problem is compounded by the fact that there are so many of us out there, and I hate to say it, but there are a lot of really good ones out there (plus a lot of really bad ones, too). So how do you get yours noticed? I'd hate to think it was either dumb luck, or someone doing a great job of pushing their stuff.
    I'll certainly let you know how this all comes out.
    Anyway congratulations, and good luck!

  3. you better keep blogging...because I decided i was going to start blogging've inspired me : )


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