Sunday, December 26, 2010

Still Here...I Promise

I know, I know. I've dropped off the face of the internet since the end of November. Sorry about that. By the time NaNo was over I had household chores that had piled up all month long to do, Christmas shopping to finish, lots of other Christmas festivities and chores, not to mention working full time still. I was a little bit busy. And no, I have not written more or even looked at my story since November 29th when I celebrated my 50k victory. Have I given up? Absolutely not. I feel daunted by the task ahead, but liberated by the new knowledge that yes, I can actually do this. I wrote 50k words, 100 pages, in 29 days. I have not run out of story to tell, my characters are just beginning to really become themselves and take on this journey, and they will NEVER let me sleep or rest until I finish their story, whatever it takes. I'm sure it will be a slower pace for me now and it's going to be a bit harder without my amazing Wrimos to cheer on and cheer me on, but that race is over until next year and I'm back in the real world. It's on my shoulders to follow my dream, no one else's, and if I want it bad enough I won't give up. Now I just have to dig down into myself to find the rest of the words... Sometime in the next week I will start writing again, and I promise to let you know when I do!
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